"Shinvector" company has been guided by the principle of providing quality service since the first day of its establishment (2018). Years of experience, innovative technologies, following construction trends have made the company one of the most trusted companies in the construction sector of Armenia. Each project has its own unique style and architecture, the engineering design of which is carried out with a combination of construction standards and modern solutions.
The multi-functional residential complexes of the "Shinvector" company, according to the clear standards set in the market of international new buildings, are subjected to the appropriate classification. The buildings constructed by the company are constructed in accordance with the latest engineering technologies, as the key principle for the company is the high seismic resistance of the buildings.
Keeping up with the times, "Shinvector" company implements the best innovative trends of the market and is always in the leading positions of the market, using energy-saving and heat-insulating systems of facade systems in construction, guaranteeing 9-point earthquake resistance and fire resistance.