HAEKSHIN is one of the leading construction companies in Armenia. In 2004, HAEKSHIN, as the successor of the construction department of HAEK, was privatized and continues its construction history to this day, being enriched with new work successes and memorable structures.

Over the past 15 years, the company has implemented the construction of important structures of strategic and various importance in RA, in particular, about 250 objects were built, including more than 10 large hydrotechnical, 20 industrial, 25 energy and more than 160 civil ones.

HAEKSHIN has an effective quality control system. Throughout the construction process, the quality and compliance of the work to the project is checked and monitored at appropriate intervals.

Environmental protection is the priority of HAEKSHIN activities. The company's policy is to ensure compliance of its activities with the norms of environmental protection as much as possible. The company makes every effort to identify potential negative environmental impacts associated with each project and properly monitor them throughout construction.
